Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dream Come True

I've finally become a stay-at-home-mom. 

It happened very suddenly - I was employed on Monday and my daughter was in daycare.  On Tuesday I quit my job and my daughter is now home with me every day.  We had to pull her out of daycare very suddenly, so I didn't get to give notice at my job, but I am so happy to finally be home with my baby.  We're having a great time!

I love watching her eat animal crackers (although I kinda hate giving them to her - have you read the ingredients on those things?  yech! Time to find an alternative!).  She examines each one and either asks me what it is, or tells me what it is.  Sometimes she tells me what that animal says. Then she dips it in milk and chows down!  She truly experiences her fun little snack and enjoys every minute of it.  This amazing little girl teaches me new things every day.

Today we picked an orange together, then sat on the steps in the sun, peeled it, and ate it.  Fresh off the tree!

Time for some golf!

She's trying really hard.

What a fantastic day so far!!  After she wakes up from her nap, I'm going to take her to see Oceans.  Our first time at the movies together.  Can't wait!

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