Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Simple Goal

Lately I've found myself very short-tempered and yelling at my kids WAY more than I should be. I don't know why, maybe I'm just overwhelmed (work, school, two kids, training, husband working and running his business so therefore rarely available, trying to squeeze in rare time for ME...), but it doesn't matter. There is no reason (no excuses!) for me to be taking out my frustration (or whatever it is) on my kids. So I'm setting a goal for tomorrow....

No yelling!!

No doubt this will be difficult, but I've come to the conclusion that yelling doesn't work anyway. All it does is raise my stress level, raise their stress levels, and upset everyone. Results are usually minimal, if any at all. I'm setting this goal for tomorrow in order to start small, but I'm going to re-set this goal every morning. Hopefully it will become a habit to interact calmly and peacefully.

Wish me luck!!
Perhaps visualization will work.....

1 comment:

  1. awww yeah with all of that on my plate, id be stressed out too. good luck.
